NIEUW: AI Compliance-oplossing

Customize your own framework

All your customized compliance needs in one platform

Customize and automate your compliance programs as you grow. You can set up controls and build upon our supported frameworks and annual cycles of work to align to any framework or standard, including frameworks required by highly regulated industries such as finance or healthcare, data protection laws in certain countries, or internal audit or IT security teams.

Trusted by companies like yours

Easily create and manage custom tasks and controls

You can easily create and manage tasks and controls to accommodate any framework of your choosing. Tasks and controls can be set up with customized frequency, attached documents, approval flow and responsible person.

All your tasks and compliance documentation, centralized

With our options for customization, you can easily set up your own tasks and controls to keep the full overview. Uploaded documentation will also automatically be included in the annual cycle of work and maintenance tasks.

Tailored Compliance Management with Custom Controls, Seamless Collaboration, and Automated Audit Trails

Customize tasks and controls

You can easily create and customize tasks and controls in addition to the automated ComplyCloud controls to accommodate any regulatory framework.

Collaborate across the organisation

Manage, assign, and follow up on tasks and controls to include the whole organization and at the same time maintain a centralized over-view.

Automated log files and audit trail

All controls and tasks are automatically logged and secured. You can easily enrich the log files with your own supporting material and tag them against documentation, assets, or vendors.

See it in action

Ready to see how it works inside ComplyCloud?
Sign up for a personalized live demo today.

Don’t just take it from us

Meet Citelum

“We came across ComplyCloud, which for us seemed like a really good way of just, addressing the fact that we didn’t have the resources internally to manage GDPR, to the extent that we wanted to. This was a way of reaching compliance with their support and minimizing really, the effort, time, that had to go into it, on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis. The software allows you to do all of these things, very cleverly, very quickly, But also, there are humans behind it.”


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