AI Compliance solution

Kick-start your AI compliance with ComplyCloud

From AI risk scoring to auto-generated compliance tasks and legal documentation.

Are you one of the 77% of businesses using AI?

AI is expected to be integrated into all aspects of businesses activities. Ensure your company is using AI in responsible ways and that you are compliant with the AI Act, while also protecting your customers from the risks that AI systems might pose.

Explore the benefits of our AI Compliance solution

Risk assessment of your IT systems

Get a comprehensive understanding of your obligations

Categorize your IT systems using AI according to the four risk levels in The EU’s AI Act; prohibited, high, limited, and minimal risk and understand your obligations. All built with our legal expertise.

AI risk assessment

Navigate the common threats that AI poses to your business and affected people

Our lawyers have identified 6 threats you should pay more attention to when using AI. Get an overview of the consequence, likelihood and mitigating measures of each threat with our AI risk assessment.

Policy for use of generative AI

Generate your legal documentation for responsible use of generative AI

Our legal team has made it easy for you to create your own policy by filling out a simple questionnaire, that then generates your final legal document, as if done by a lawyer. This way you can guide your organization in responsible and ethical use of generative AI.


Stay up to speed with your AI compliance with automated tasks

What tasks do you need to complete and how often? Don’t worry about it. Our lawyers have already set up the tasks for you and our platform will notify you whenever you need to take action to stay on track of your compliance.

Compliance Statement

Share your compliance statement with relevant stakeholders

Export your Compliance Statement Regarding Prohibited AI Practices. Show your stakeholders that you comply with Article 5 of the AI Act, and ensure them of your commitment to responsible use of AI.

Get started with our AI Compliance solution today

Sign up now for a free trial of our AI Compliance solution and kickstart your compliance process with ComplyCloud.


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